Section 5 of Article IX of the State of California Constitution guarantees students a "free public education" » Section 5 of Article IX of the State of California Constitution guarantees students a "free public education"

Section 5 of Article IX of the State of California Constitution guarantees students a "free public education"

We live in an amazing nation where each and every child from the age of six until eighteen has the right to attend school for free!
Let's take advantage of that and ensure our children are here each and every day on time. Our 2014-2015 attendance rate for Elementary was at 97% and our secondary was at 93.2%. Let's work together to increase our attendance percentages, because if children are in school and in seats, they ARE learning from some highly qualified teachers!
—California public schools—including charter schools—may charge fees as outlined in the Education Code. These include:

Transportation to and from school
Transportation to places of summer employment
Charges for food (limited by the free and reduced price meal program)
Insurance for field trips
Lost or damaged books or district supplies
Direct cost of materials for property the student has made in class for their own use
Fees for school camp programs (e.g., outdoor science camp)
Fees for field trips and excursions in connection with courses of instruction or school-related social, education, cultural, athletic, or school band activities
Optional fingerprinting program for kindergarten or newly enrolled students
Actual cost of duplication of public records or student records
Charges for medical and accident insurance for athletic team members