Dear Yorbita Families,
Welcome to Yorbita. I am honored to be the principal of your school. I am happy your child will be attending Yorbita and am confident you have made the right choice for your child’s education. The Yorbita staff has dedicated themselves to serving the community and making your children our first priority.
Yorbita Elementary is a proud member of the No Excuses University network. We believe that every child deserves the opportunity to be educated in a way that prepares them for college. The preparation begins with exhibiting a culture of universal achievement by believing in students that they CAN learn and grow, and we collaborate around that belief. During collaboration, teachers develop a plan to implement, analyze outcomes and data, and act on their next meaningful steps. It is an ongoing cycle. When each classroom adopts a college, our students express their powerful symbolism with college chants, college flags, and a parade. The journey to success starts here at Yorbita!
I encourage our parents to become volunteers and be part of the Yorbita spirit! There are many service learning programs we offer including English Language Advisory Committee (ELAC), School Site Council (SSC), Parent-Teacher Association (PTA), and Morning Break Club (MBC). I would love to build our school community so that all families are involved because we are truly better together.
Principal Amy Grigsby